NYSBS Registration
August 2024 Virtual Meeting
Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Required fields in red
First Name:
Last Name:
Please select attendence:
Topic(s) I'd like to discuss
Item(s) I'm willing to present
to the group (see below)
Additional Notes
or Comments:
Prove your human - Add 73 and six: (answer with numbers)
Registration is now closed.
Optional Discussion / Presentation:
Please complete if you have a specific issue you'd like to discuss
with the group or if you are willing to do a short 15 minute
(or longer) presentationon a topic, such as a software product
you use, a service you use, a business practice you've found
useful, a marketing strategy, etc.If it's something you're willing
to share with the group in the form of a presentation.
Meetings are better when we share!
Download Slides for December 2018